One Site / Drop Off / Remote

On Site
I understand that just because your computer quits, that doesn’t mean that your business has to as well. I offer on-site service and can usually make it to your office or home within 24 hours, if not the same day. I will travel almost anywhere in the city of Houston, and a $20 travel fee may apply on a case by case basis to other areas.

Drop Off
Some PC repair work can take hours to complete and instead of watching the clock run up for you, I can perform the work in my repair lab. I can pick your PC up from you, or you can drop it off and pick it up later. I am located in Spring Branch, in northwest Houston, right in between 610, I-10 and 290. See below for a map of my location.

There are many problems that don’t require a whole hour’s service call, nor do they warrant unplugging and dropping off your PC. Most of the time, we can quickly resolve our issue over the phone or a secure remote connection. The 713 IT Support Quick Remote Client enables me to connect in to your PC from wherever I am and use it like I was sitting in front of it.

If you would like to drop off your equipment at my lab, please consult the map to the right. Also, please make sure to call me to schedule your drop off so that I can make sure to be there to accept your PC from you.